How to Place Orders and Delivery Methods
If you wish to proceed with the purchase, you will need to enter the delivery address with brief information about the place and unloading methods. You can now proceed to payment via PayPal.
You have the option to receive a sample of the requested material quickly. Upon receiving it, you will have 48 hours to decide if it was exactly as you wanted or if modifications are needed. If you are not convinced, you can cancel the order, in total security. The amount, frozen at the time of payment, will be unlocked, keeping only a contribution of €10 for the production and shipping of the sample. If nothing is received within 48 hours, the material will be prepared and shipped. The transaction will occur at the moment of delivery.
For packages with pieces not exceeding 4.00 meters, delivery will occur within precise times, depending on the order, varying between 5 and 15 days.
If the order contains pieces longer than 4.00m, we reserve the right to inform you within 2 days about the shipping times and costs.
Products will be assembled for transport using paper and cardboard packaging, in shapes and sizes compatible with the package to be delivered. The center of gravity of the package will be indicated to facilitate the unloading operation of the goods, through pallet trucks, forklifts, or other lifting means.
If no unloading means are available, the package will consist of several sub-packages that can be manually unloaded.
The recipient will be responsible for unloading.